One of my favourite times each month – the opportunity to guide a few families through a local woodland in the Chilterns. Blessed with wonderful sunshine, it was a lovely May afternoon to be exploring Penn Woods. Managed by the Woodland Trust, it is one of the largest ancient woodlands in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) totalling over 435 acres! Continue reading “Family walk through Penn Wood”
Home Education Group
Following on from our fun sessions throughout the summer holidays, David has been running more Environmental Learning and Bushcraft sessions at Shortenills Environmental Centre in Chalfont St Giles. The morning sessions are with children aged up to 7 years and those in the afternoon for age 7 and above. They have proved to be very popular, with sessions regularly fully booked. Continue reading “Home Education Group”
Campfire cooking in the woodlands
This short film was recorded during one of David’s Fire and Feast (formerly Backwoods Cooking) courses – set in a private Chilterns woodland in Buckinghamshire. So what could you expect from a day of backwoods cookery? As you will see in this film, you can expect to be baking, steaming, roasting and cooking on a campfire!
Continue reading “Campfire cooking in the woodlands”
Lovely stinging nettle tea
Spring has arrived and so have those lovely nettles – oh yes they are lovely! We have been conditioned as children to avoid their painful sting, but nettles offer so much and this is why they protect themselves from animals, including us that will forage and consume these wonderful plants.
Why should you see nettles in a new light? Well for one they are really good for you, nettles are nutritious and even better than spinach! Nettles are a source of protein, have traces of fat, contain more vitamin C than oranges, have quantities of vitamin B, calcium, potassium, iron and more. Continue reading “Lovely stinging nettle tea”