The day began with a nature walk through local Woodlands, plant identification and foraging for items to accompany our lunch. Cleavers, nettles, ramsons, jack by the hedge in the risotto and more ransoms, hairy bittercress, primrose and dog violet in the salad, all washed down with a mug of ale hoof tea! Oh and some wonderful pan fried Water Buffalo heart from Flexmore Farm.
In preparation for lunch, participants learnt and tried different methods of ignition; fire steels, wire-wool, flint and steel, natural and man-made tinder. Putting this all into practice, kindling and fire lays were demonstrated and campfires built ready to cook a yummy lunch.
After a hearty lunch, it was on to an afternoon of woodland crafts; covering knife safety and basic knife skills; making tent pegs. With increasing confidence, spoon carving was demonstrated and then it was time to have a go, with guidance all along the way, everyone had a spoon to be proud of by the end of the day.
Lovely email afterwards…
Just to say thanks for a really excellent day on Saturday. It was a great present and one that we all enjoyed enormously. Colourful salads are now on the menu (until the end of spring, when we’ll have to do it again!), and Bob’s spoon beautifully sanded with twined Australian cord in place.