Going with the flow

It was February, I had an opening in my diary, woohoo, nothing to do for a few days and the excitement of being able to do something just for me. It was time for an adventure, there was the call of the wild, a wish to explore somewhere new and the need to relax and enjoy being close to nature without the everyday pressures that modern life presents.

Looking at my long list of ideas for adventures, there it was a microadventure, a paddle down the Thames in my canoe, that was just the ticket. The plan, not much of one really, was simply to launch off near Cricklade, close to the rivers source and paddle down river, just going with the flow.  Continue reading “Going with the flow”

First impressions of a tree tent

First night in a Tentsile Stingray tree tent in Bushcraft camp

So just what is a ‘tree tent’ and why would you want one? A friend described it as a cross between a hammock and trampoline, and it has to be said that this is a pretty good way of describing a tree tent. It is a tent that is suspended via some strong webbing straps attached to the surrounding trees, floating above the ground, all be it tethered to those trees. Continue reading “First impressions of a tree tent”

What is Bushcraft?

So just what is Bushcraft? In a literal sense, it’s the skills required to live in the bush. The bush being a commonly used term to describe an area of wild country, one that is remote and does not generally have much if any habitation.

Living in the bush could be just the construction of a shelter, building of a fire and finding water and food. Whilst these are clearly important priorities, they are the bear essentials, they are more about surviving rather than really living. Living is more than just surviving (I hope you agree), so the skills required to live will extend beyond these basics as well as expanding upon them to make life comfortable and enjoyable, whilst living away from the conveniences of modern life. Continue reading “What is Bushcraft?”