Wilderness Living Skills, Connection with Nature and Woodland Crafts
Immersive Bushcraft Experiences in the Chilterns – Bushcraft with David Willis provides fun, informative and educational courses that teach wilderness living skills, nature connection and woodland crafts, with activities to suit all abilities and needs.
Perhaps you’d like to gather a few friends or colleagues together around the campfire, learn a few skills and enjoy life outdoors together – just get in contact with David to get it organised!
And yes, David works with groups with special needs; teenagers requiring alternative education provision, learning outside the classroom, and adults who have additional needs. Please get in contact to discuss requirements and understand who David has worked with.
Bushcraft 101 – Adventure Skills Day
An informative and practical day in the woods learning Bushcraft skills – you may have an adventure planned or just fancy learning a few skills so you’ll be confident when out in the wilds. Expect to be learning tool use; knives and saws, creating a successful campfire, setting up a tarp and hammock, finding water and making it safe to drink – find out more about the Bushcraft 101 – Adventure Skills Day course.
Woodland base camp in the Chilterns – where David Willis teaches
Enjoy learning the art of making tasty meals over a campfire with less reliance on modern gadgetry and of course feasting on the results – find out more about the Fire and Feast course.
Bread baking as it’s meant to be, in the outdoors, baked on a campfire! The fresh air scented with aromas of freshly baked bread, smell of the campfire and the taste of warm bread – find out more about the Campfire Bread Baking course.
Freshly baked load of bread served with a healthy portion of butter
Learn different methods to create fire, modern and primitive, fire-steels through to fire-by-friction and make your own bow-drill kit to practice with and take home – find out more about the Art of Fire – Fire by Friction course.
An ember created using a bow-drill has been successfully blown into flame!
Another favourite, learning about the trees and the properties of their wood, before harvesting some and then carving beautiful and functional utensils such as spoons and other woodland crafts – learn more about Whittling and Woodcraft – Spoon Carving course.
Ben Orford, a make of knives in the UK, makes lovely knives that are a pleasure to use.
This Bushcraft experience is aimed at families with young children (there is no minimum age). It is all about having fun in the woods; learning about campfires, and keeping safe, baking bread, foraging in the woods, crafts and games that will help connect your family more closely with nature.
Time together in nature – building a shelter, making a campfire and toasting marshmallows
A favourite with families, David’s guided woodland walks take you on a journey through the Chilterns, learning about the trees and plants of the woodlands – find out more about these Woodland Walks and book places.
June – A favourite throughout the year, my guided woodland walks
Yes, you can provide the gift of a woodland experience for your friends and love ones or perhaps put them on your list for others to get you! Gift vouchers can be personalised too just ask when making your purchase. Thank you.
Woodland Experience – Fire and Feast with bread baked over the campfire, ponassed / butterflied trout and a mixed salad
Bushcraft 101 – Woodland Weekend
Have you got an adventure planned and want to learn a few skills or just want to be confident when out in the wilds. These wilderness living skills will provide confidence and the inspiration to spend more time outdoors, expect to be learning tool use; knives and saws, creating a successful campfire, building cosy shelters and finding water and making it safe to drink – find out more about the Bushcraft 101 – Woodland Weekend course.
Our classroom in the woods – a large cargo parachute suspended from high up in the trees, with benches to sit on and the kettle simmering on the campfire.