Here are a few pictures of the wonderful woodland that I am now using to run Bushcraft courses, activities and events in Buckinghamshire. As anyone who has enjoyed a walk through the Chilterns will confirm, we do have some lovely woodlands and these are a great example.
Situated just off a quite country lane, next to stables and livery, this private woodland is a peaceful location, an ideal spot for running Bushcraft activities.

Simply spending time in this woodland, listening to the birds that are high up in the tree tops, sipping a cup of nettle or ground ivy tea, you can’t help but feel relaxed and more attuned to nature. Every time I’m in the woods, I can’t help but have a smile on my face and I hope you do to when you visit.
The woodland comprises huge mature oak, sycamore and ash trees. The base camp is nestled between two fine examples.
It has an understorey of hawthorn, holly and hazel around the boundaries and an area of younger trees of circa 15-20 years. As you will see from the pictures, whilst there is lots of tree cover, we also have many gaps in the canopy to let the sun shine through and plenty of dappled shade for when summer arrives!
Down at ground level, there are badger sets and many rabbit warrens. In this area of the Chilterns there are quite a few Muntjac deer and I have heard and seen them grazing and moving stealthily through the woods.
I suspect the Muntjac, perhaps like the other fauna here in the woodland, is wondering who has moved into their corner of the countryside. There is certainly going to be plenty of opportunities for wildlife watching.
Spring time in this wood is fantastic, there is a beautiful display of wild garlic (yes I’ve been using them in my cooking) and bluebells too. I’m looking forward to observing the changes in the seasons as the year progresses.