Do you, your company or business need to introduce new team members? Find new leaders? Work as a cohesive unit? Get out of the office for some competitive fun? The Team Building Challenge provides the opportunity for corporate teams to:
- Get outdoors together
- Learn new skills
- Accomplish group and individual tasks
- Support each other, and
- Have fun
At each stage, team members are shown how to achieve a task, then it’s over to the team.
The nature of the competitiveness is entirely up to you. There will be options to increase or decrease the level of the challenge, but all enhancing the teams confidence and abilities, without loosing anyone along the way.
Tailored to your needs
The duration and content of the team building challenge is flexible, with the exciting options below available for your team building challenge.
You may choose between a 24 hour challenge (typically 10am to 10am the following day) or a day long event. Camping out may not be for everyone, but it does provide a real sense of purpose and satisfaction when building good shelters, sustaining a campfire and cooking a hearty meal for the team!
Whether you decide to meet the challenge in a day or make it a full 24 hours, you are welcome to have a team debrief around the campfire at the end!
Outline itinerary for 24 hours
- Introduction and safety brief
- Safe and effective use of tools used throughout the event; knives and saws
- Building successful campfires using a variety of methods
- Cooking lunch on your teams campfire
- Creating fire using primitive method; fire-by-friction
- Constructing team shelters (tarpaulins and or hammocks and or natural debris shelters)
- Making your water safe to drink
- Dinner preparations and cooking over your teams campfire
- An evening walk through the woods
- Relax and chat around the campfire before turning in for the night
- In the morning, building your campfire and cooking breakfast
- Debrief around the campfire
Fire lighting

A campfire provides warmth, light, the means to cook food and purify water, keeps creepy crawlies at away and builds group moral. Unfortunately many people struggle to get a fire going, usually because they haven’t been shown how or had the opportunity to practice. You will learn how to build campfires using a variety of ignition methods, what natural resources are best for burning and keep things safe for your group and the environment. Meals will be cooked on campfires, so you will have the opportunity to practice and build confidence in fire lighting whatever the weather.
Making fire by friction is possible, but it’s difficult, and you really do have to work together and persist to get it right. You get a real sense of achievement from doing it.
Shelter building

Building a shelter just like building campfires, reconnects us with our primal roots. You will learn how to safely use natural materials to build a shelter. By knowing how to use resources effectively, you’ll be able to create a warm and protective shelter, where you can happily sleep for the night. You may also learn how to erect a light weight tarpaulin (tarp) so you can shelter from the elements. You’ll learn simple knots that are easy to remember and then be able too use those same knots to put up and try a hammock.
You should definitely do this, its great fun and is really accessible for everyone! It’s a great team building exercise. I’ve already recommended it to other people.
Safe drinking water
Sometimes it’s easy to take water for granted. It’s just a matter of turning the tap on and there we have it, clean, safe drinking water. There are many places to get water from when in the countryside, but most will be put off by worrying about it being safe to drink. We will consider many of the places and then focus on how to make this water safe to drink. You will learn how to use a variety of different methods to filter and purify the water.
Campfire cooking

Your meals will be cooked on fires, so there will be ample opportunity to help with cooking. Cooking methods will vary, these may include baking in embers, steaming, kebab, frying in large skillets, boiling and ground ovens.
David is enthusiastic, passionate and energetic about this subject and to teach others and share his experiences. Good to do an activity outdoors in the peace and quiet and a great team building exercise to do something practical and useful
[button]Get a quotation for your outdoor team building event today, just complete the form below![/button]
For an urgent quotation, please call David Willis on his mobile: 07956 650 404 or for a 24 hour quotation response please use the form below and include group size, preferred dates and contact phone number – Thank you.
[contact_form email=”david@davidwillis.info” subject=”Team Building Event”]