David has been providing Bushcraft enrichment at Princess Risborough School – once per week all students have an enrichment session. These sessions provide an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge, acquire new skills and above all, have fun learning something new. As part of this programme, David was invited to provide Bushcraft sessions for year 5 (rising 12 years).
For our first week, we started with fire lighting skills, covering a few different methods and lighting a fire on the school playing field (we all found that fun!). Students practised leave-no-trace, which meant there was no evidence left of our campfire, just as well given where it was! The following week saw us erecting shelters and building on previous skills: lighting a storm-kettle to boil water.
Each week we spend an hour learning something new whilst building up a little more experience with previous skills – this week students were learning to safely use knives and were practising by whittling hazel sticks. It was good to see their care and attention to the task.

We have adopted a corner of the school sports field for our Bushcraft activities. It has the advantage of providing shelter from the wind if it gets a little blowy and yet receives the lunchtime sunshine too. Looking back at these pictures, it’s nice to see other students playing rugby while we whittle hazel sticks!

It’s always a pleasure teaching the students at Princess Risborough School – great to see their smiles too as they achieve new things each week. Oh, and what happens in the winter months you may well ask, we will be wearing coats and dressing up warm – just like those playing outdoor sports we will be outside enjoying nature.