Being the first course of the year there was plenty to do; building a new table, setting up benches with timber from the managed plantation, making big tent pegs and cutting timber for the fire. Friday afternoon was spent setting up camp, putting up the parachute, big tarp and or course the on-suite toilet facilities! Continue reading “Back to Bushcraft for Scout Leaders”
Girlguiding Survival Camp
It may have been November, but the local Girl Guides were keen to be out side having fun at their ‘survival camp’. The day started with a safety briefing and introduction to the Bushcraft skills they would be learning. The first activity was with learning how to successfully light campfire. The Guides gathered tinder, sticks and branches from the woods and then set about lighting their fires using fire steels. After some practice with the fire steels, each team had a fire. Continue reading “Girlguiding Survival Camp”
More practical skills for Scout Leaders
Scout Leaders never tire of learning new practical skills. Blessed with a sunny day, it was out with the parabolic mirror to create an ember – success! We had fun with fire-by-friction, flint and steel and create magical firework displays with wire-wool and batteries. Continue reading “More practical skills for Scout Leaders”