We were natures detectives, identifying trees; feeling the bark, observing the shapes of the leaves, the colours and even the smells, and then we made string and bracelets from grass and stinging nettles – well done to you all. It was wonderful to see some of the youngest identifying the trees!
Lots of children and their parents joined David in the woods for Environmental Learning and Bushcraft sessions at the Shortenhills Environmental Centre in Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire.
(This lovely short video was filmed and edited by Kirsty Feasey at Active-In)
David has teamed up with Shortenills which is part of the Adventure Learning Foundation and the great news is that these sessions have been funded by Public Health England in association with Active Bucks and Active-In, so they are FREE for the summer holidays!
More sessions at Shortenills each Tuesday throughout the summer holidays!
Environmental Learning and Bushcraft Sessions will be run on Tuesdays, starting at 3:45 and finishing at 5:45. They will be delivered so that parents and / or guardians participate and are actively involved and assist with their children’s learning.
Dates: Tuesday 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th August 2016
To book please contact Kirsty Feasey (mobile: 07710 095245, email: Kirsty.Feasey@active-in.co.uk) at Active-In – thank you